Supreme Court Will Hear Title IX Transgender Discrimination Case and Case Challenging Social Media Restrictions on Sex Offenders

Supreme Court Will Hear Title IX Transgender Discrimination Case and Case Challenging Social Media Restrictions on Sex Offenders

The Supreme Court substantially enlivened its docket for the October 2016 Term on October 28 when it granted petitions for certiorari in Gloucester County School Board v. G.G., No. 16-273, and Packingham v. North Carolina, No. 15-1194.  In Gloucester, a school district in Virginia, obligated not to discriminate because of sex under Title IX … <Read More>

North Carolina Supreme Court Rejects 1st Amendment Challenge to Social Networking Ban for Sex Offenders

The North Carolina Supreme Court has rejected a 1st Amendment challenge to a provision of state law that forbids convicted sex offenders from accessing most commercial social networking websites, such as State v. Packingham, 2015 WL 6777114 (Nov. 6, 2015).


Lester Packingham, a convicted sex offender, established a page using the name J.R. Gerrard. A Durham Police Department officer investigating whether any convicted sex offenders were on recognized Packingham … <Read More>