European Courts Issue Important Gay Rights Decisions on November 7

European courts issued three significant decisions affecting the rights of LGBT people in Europe on November 7, 2013.  In Minister for Immigration and Asylum v. X, Y & Z (Joined Cases C-199/12 to C-201/12), the European Court of Justice in Luxembourg, which is the highest court on questions of European Union law, ruled favorably on the right of lesbian and gay people to seek asylum in Europe based on fear of persecution of gay people … <Read More>

Georgia Supreme Court Rejects Constitutional Challenge to Solicitation of Sodomy Statute, But Reverses Police Officer’s Conviction

The Georgia Supreme Court has unanimously rejected a constitutional challenge to the state’s law making it a misdemeanor to solicit somebody to engage in anal or oral sex, but at the same time reversed a police officer’s conviction for soliciting a 17-year-old high school student, finding that the statute, narrowly construed to avoid constitutional problems, had not been violated.  The case is Watson v. State, 2013 Ga. LEXIS 860 (Oct. 21, 2013).

Georgia’s sodomy statute … <Read More>